Facebook Ain't Dead Yet
February 07, 2024
1 min 28 sec read
This week is the 20th anniversary of Facebook. Yep, it's true, twenty years. Time flies when you're knee-deep in lawsuits and all sorts of rumors and speculation, doesn't it?

Despite the claims that Facebook is really "Deadbook," Mark Zuckerberg's little Harvard baby continues to hold its own against the invaders of social media supremacy.
Facebook, now used by half the people on the planet (you read that right), isn't sweating the small stuff. Mark Twain once said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." Maybe Zuckerberg can use it as Facebook's adopted mantra.
Forget the predictions of its impending death or its looming destruction, forget all the Zuckerberg jokes, and forget about saying goodbye to Facebook (how many people threaten just this and never go through with it?). Facebook is not only going strong but still adding new users.
There are currently more than 3 billion active monthly users on Facebook.
The world's population is 8 billion, give or take a few, with 1.4 billion people in China, where Meta apps are missing in action. We won't count them. Another 25% of the population is under 15, so they can't sign up for Facebook yet (wink, wink). We'll rule them out too. What we're left with suggests most of the folks who can access Facebook do so quite happily, even when so many of them are usually threatening to leave the platform for good.
Doesn't sound like Zuckerberg has a lot to worry about on that front.
Facebook may not be what all the cool kids are talking about, but even Meta's own reports show users are spending more time on Facebook due to its AI content recommendations. Facebook usage is growing steadily, according to Facebook statistics.
Third-party studies show that TikTok and YouTube are showing far more engagement, but still, Facebook is holding its own.
As Facebook becomes more focused on entertainment while still remaining a tool for connecting with others, Meta is certain it can remain relevant for the foreseeable future.
So, while you're complaining about the time you spend on Facebook or threatening to leave because you're tired of the drama, remember that Facebook is still a contender in the social media boxing ring.
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