
Microsoft Makes a Split: Teams Goes Solo Amid Antitrust Drama

April 02, 2024

1 min 21 sec read
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This, for sure, have office workers across the globe scratching their heads in confusion (or perhaps relief); Microsoft has announced that it will be separating its infamous Teams platform from its Office suite of products worldwide. The tech giant, famous for bundling everything under the digital sun into one neat package, has decided to give Teams its own solo spotlight.

Group of Workers Having a Meeting on Microsoft Teams
But wait, let's rewind a bit. What's all the fuss about? Well, it seems Microsoft has been in hot water with the European Commission over its habit of tying Teams and Office together like a pair of inseparable twins. This all started back in 2020 when Salesforce-owned Slack threw a complaint into the ring, accusing Microsoft of playing dirty in the digital sandbox.

And thus began the saga of Teams versus the world.

Fast forward to today, and Microsoft is making moves to appease the EU overlords by offering Teams as a standalone product, no strings attached. No longer will users be forced to endure the constant barrage of Teams notifications while trying to focus on their spreadsheets or presentations. Teams, the platform that haunts the dreams of remote workers everywhere, will now have its own place in the digital ecosystem.

Starting April 1st (no, this is not an April Fools' joke), customers can opt to keep their current licensing setup or dive headfirst into the brave new world of Teams. And for those new to the Microsoft game, prices range from $7.75 to $54.75 for Office without Teams, while Teams Standalone will set you back $5.25. Of course, these prices may vary depending on where you're located in the world, so keep your calculators handy.

This might not be the end of Microsoft's antitrust saga tho'. Rumor has it that the EU might still come knocking with charges in hand, arguing over fees and interoperability like a bunch of tech-savvy lawyers. Will Microsoft emerge unscathed, or will Teams be forever haunted by the specter of antitrust scrutiny? Only time (and maybe a few more press releases) will tell.

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