
Netflix Says Goodbye to DVDs: Sad But True

September 29, 2023

2 min 30 sec read
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Break out the tissues and mourn the old days because Netflix is saying goodbye to its DVD service today. That's right, the streaming giant is letting its DVDs go the way of cassettes, VHS, vinyl, 8-track players, record players, CDs, and all those other worn-out wonders of technology.

Two DVD Cases with the Word Bye
For the sake of transparency, we weren't aware that DVDs were still an option. Until today, that is. As we just mentioned, your DVD nights will have to be replaced by what most of us have been doing all along - streaming.

Yeah, streaming. You know, that thing we do these days because, well, it's what we do when we're keeping up with the times. It's more convenient, and it takes up a whole lot less space.

Anyway, after 25 glorious years, Netflix will ship out its last DVD today. We know it's sad, but it had to happen. There will be no more stuffing red envelopes.

It comes down to money. Netflix is trying to cut its costs wherever it can these days, due to the expensive and downright cutthroat business of streaming.

Netflix probably wouldn't be half the company it is if it wasn't for the almighty DVD. They can literally leap tall buildings in a single bound and influence decisions in Hollywood at very high levels, and they owe that glory to the once-great and now almost obsolete DVD.

Heck, at the peak of DVD popularity, Netflix was the fifth biggest customer of the US Postal Service, processing 1.2 million DVDs every week while generating $2.6 billion between 2012 and 2019. And that's all profit.

Of course, they wisely invested a huge chunk of that money in streaming and producing original stuff, making them even more powerful and profitable.

And that brings us back to the whole point of this little bit of sad news. The very thing that made Netflix the powerhouse it is today.

While the plan to end the DVD run has been in the works for a while, according to Variety, "Netflix sent an email this week to the remaining last-gaspers on the DVD plans," extending a "finale surprise" offer: Those who opt in could receive up to 10 extra discs, selected from their DVD queue, that will be shipped on Sept. 29 — the final day it's mailing out discs."

That's a whole lot of popcorn and binge-watching.

Believe it or not, there are still about a million paying DVD customers, and don't think Netflix isn't appreciative. For those die hard DVD fanatics, Netflix says, "Keep your final discs."

Look, we hate to break this sad news to you. We know how hard it is to let go of the past, but you can still find all of the stuff you like to watch and much more. Just tune into Netflix on your TV, computer, tablet, or phone and start saving on postage and manpower.

And just a little piece of trivia before we go: Beetlejuice, the hugely successful Tim Burton film, was the first DVD Netflix ever shipped. That bit of knowledge should help heal your wounds.

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