
New Chat Filters Make It Easy To Find Out What's Up on WhatsApp

April 17, 2024

1 min 20 sec read
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We know you've been there before. You need to find a text about something in particular, but you've got more messages than you do time? Well, WhatsApp wants to help. The ever-popular (at least to some folks) messaging platform will soon add some cool filters that will spare you the misery of wading through endless messages to find that text about some obscure bit of info you thought you'd never need again. Starting yesterday, April 16th, the Meta began adding All, Unread, and Group filters to your feed, which should greatly alleviate your stress.

Hand Holding a Cell Phone with Emojis Coming Out
That's right. Now, when you need to find that obscure restaurant recommendation (the one you swore you'd remember), just apply a few filters and let WhatsApp do the rest.

Meta says, "Opening WhatsApp and finding the right conversation should feel quick, seamless, and simple. As people increasingly do more on WhatsApp, it's more important than ever before to be able to get to your messages fast. That's why we're launching new Chat Filters today, so you can do that without having to scroll through your full inbox."

The three filters will appear at the top of your chat list. The default view will be "All," but you'll also be able to set it to "Unread" so you can check out those messages you ignored the first time around. You can also set it to "Groups," which will organize your group chats in one place, making it easier to find group conversations you thought you'd remember. This much-requested feature will also show subgroups of Communities.

Meta just wants to make life easier for everybody. The company states that they believe filters will revolutionize staying organized (they didn't say it quite like that) and that users can now find important conversations and navigate the minefield of previously ignored messages efficiently.

The takeaway is that you can continue disregarding messages and chats until you need them for something important because you can find them quickly and without scrolling.

That sounds good to us.

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Categories: Apps, Social Media
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