Reddit Promises To Help You Strike a Little Gold
September 26, 2023
2 min 06 sec read
Well, it looks like all that time you waste going through the threads on Reddit might just start paying off. That's right. Reddit has updated its
groovy Gold and Contributor programs to pay contributors and moderators real cash money. You know, the stuff you can spend.

If you're a Reddit junkie, then you know about the Gold feature that lets people buy and sprinkle that magic gold dust all over your favorite posts, right? Well, now the number of golden upvotes actually means something. You can turn those golden upvotes into cold, hard cash. We're talking about the kind you can actually hold in your hand, put in your bank, or spend on a wild shopping spree.
That's right, real money. Don't know about you, but most of us perk up at the thought of earning a little cash without leaving the couch.
Wait, though, before you start planning your retirement. You have to take a few steps before you can start getting rich. You'll need to have a verified account, just so Reddit knows you're worthy, your account has to be older than an average fruit fly (30 days), you need to be of legal age, and you must reside in the good ol' United States of America.
If all that checks out, your Reddit bank account will be determined by your precious karma, which is the sacred number of upvotes you've accumulated over time. You get upvotes, of course, by being charming, persuasive, and important to the Reddit users who come to the platform to find all the right answers, or simply to waste a little time.
If you're in the 100-4999 karma club, you'll be pocketing in a whopping $0.90 for every gold. But wait, it gets better! Once you cross the mystical threshold of 5,000 karma, you'll be swimming in cash at a staggering rate of $1 per gold.
There's a small catch, of course. To withdraw your Reddit riches and begin your road to retirement, you'll need to amass at least 10 gold in 30 days. It sounds pretty easy, right?
This looks like it could be a game-changer for influencers and content creators, and on the backside, it's a catchy and sneaky way for Reddit to boost engagement, which brings those coveted advertisers through the digital door. On the surface, it's a win/win for everybody.
But, naturally, there's a dark side. There's always a dark side. Just ask Anakin Skywalker.
The big problem, many feel, is that this plan could lead to an influx of clickbait while promoting a decline in authentic discussion because, hey, who wants downvotes? The carrot-like dangling of real cash, many fear, will influence the quality of the posts, and the whole idea of authenticity might get flushed right down the toilet.
For now, all we can do is grab the popcorn and see how this little experiment unfolds. It'll be interesting to see who gets in line to jump on the "pay people to post" bandwagon.
Heck, boom or bust, this could be a gold rush for the digital age! At the very least, you may earn enough to pay for the popcorn.
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