What Does Reddit Say?
February 14, 2024
1 min 16 sec read
You can promote your product or service and say whatever you want about it online, but there's a good chance your customers won't take your word for it. Instead, they'll turn to
Reddit to verify those claims. According to the platform's recent guide, Reddit plays a big role in what customers trust and buy in almost every product category.

Reddit is like that uncle nobody talks about but shows up at every family gathering. The platform has been a quiet go-to source of information and "real-world" testimonials for quite some time, and that's only growing.
According to Reddit, "Over half of US shoppers have concerns over the quality and legitimacy of the product discovery channels they use most. Influencers and AI algorithms may appear to steer millions of purchase decisions daily, but trust in their authenticity is eroding. As a result, we believe marketers will begin to see the effectiveness of traditional social channels degrade as consumers increasingly turn to more trusted channels."
Statistics show that in 2023, users added "Reddit" to Google searches more than "32 billion times." This illustrates how people want to know what "real people" think as opposed to paid influencer campaigns, product reviews by bots, and AI-generated garbage that means zip.
Reddit adds, "This growing behavior shows that the conversations happening within online communities - which are full of real people, speaking from their own experience and without any kind of ulterior motive or incentive - are often the most valued search result."
Basically, if you have a brand to promote, you might want to keep Reddit in mind when you're promoting. Reddit helps you get your products in front of consumers and gives you a powerful tool that consumers are using for research, so it might be a good idea to invest resources into understanding Reddit communities and what they're saying.
Let's just say it might be time to get to know that crazy uncle.
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