YouTube's Testing Links to Places Mentioned in Videos and Organized Subscription
December 13, 2021
1 min 19 sec read
YouTube's testing out some new features for content creators and viewers. One of them is the ability to
highlight places mentioned in videos using links. Guess what the new feature is called?

"Places mentioned," and it's not the most creative name, but it could prove to be highly useful for viewers and valuable for businesses getting a local shoutout on YouTube.
Here's the old way of adding links compared to the new way that YouTube is testing out.
Before, "creators have had to add in-text links to add information about places mentioned in the video," but the new way will be done automatically using a visual link format. The automatic part comes into play when YouTube detects a place is mentioned in the video.
As of now, YouTube has chosen videos that showcase food and drinks (restaurants) to be the first to test the new link format.
In other news, if you have many YouTube subscriptions to content creators or channels, then this one's for you.
The company is testing a new option called "Collections."
This will make finding videos easier because they'll be categorized in your subscription feed. YouTube is starting off with a "Favorites" collection and plans to fully customize how you organize your subs feed based on topics, creators, and more.
The YouTube team is also experimenting with editable captions for auto-chapters where the descriptions can be changed on assigned elements within the video details.
When auto-chapters have been added, "creators will be able to go into the video details and add in their own text, providing more opportunity to align your content with common search queries or elements."
Finally, YouTube is updating its policies when content creators violate their Community Guidelines. They'll be given clear instructions and options to resolve them and move forward.
And that's it for today's 3MDD!
Out of all the new features YouTube plans to roll out, the Places Mentioned could be huge for local businesses partnering with YouTubers.
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